Rise From The Shadows | S1E3: Emotional Knots and Going APE with Noble Gibbens
“When you name the emotion, you can tame the emotion.”
Noble Gibbens is a former emotionally clueless West Point Army Ranger who’s now an emotional intelligence practitioner and corporate emotional intelligence coach.
On this episode of Rise From the Shadows, Noble talks about what sparked his emotional growth journey. He discusses what causes emotional knots and how you can give your mind an emotional massage and prevent yourself from going A.P.E. He discusses how our furry, cute, little emotional monkey grows throughout our lives and eventually turns into a giant emotional A.P.E. He talks about the importance of acknowledging our feelings, allowing ourselves permission to feel, and the importance of expressing our emotions and feelings.
This episode is a small dose of the emotional health and fitness program Noble can get you started on over at www.eqgangster.com
Check out Rise From The Shadows, Episode 3 entitled, Emotional Knots and Going APE at www.theshadowspodcast.com or https://linktr.ee/ShadowsPodcast